Sunday, July 12, 2015


In the Last Article by Expert Doctors we discuss “What is Swine Flu and its various Treatment Methods”. Those who just miss out that Article related to the Swine Flu Treatment can CLICK HERE to access that article. Now in this article we are going to share various Prevention which should be take care to protect yourself from Swine Flu.

swine flu prevention
It is very necessary for the people to be aware about the swine fluand the various precautionary methods to combat with this deadly infection SWINE FLU. There is not a need to be panic but you have to use your mind and to be aware about the preventive methods of Swine Flu. In this article of TRICKY HEALTH we are suggesting you some of the beneficial preventive methods by using these you can prevent yourself, your family and surroundings to be free from the swine flu infection. These are as follows and each one of them has its own importance in preventing the Swine Flu infection so it is better to use each method in your methods:

1). HAND HYGIENE: Washing your hand frequently with soap can help you the most in preventing this deadly infection. Whenever you touch any surrounding common place such as door knob, flush, taps etc you should wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Hand washing is necessary because if any infected person touch any place the virus can transmit to that place because as the person sneeze it is usual to use hands and the virus spread to hands and then to the every touched place by the person and then the other persons also touch that place and got infected. If you are having too much busy schedule then you can also use an alcohol based sanitizer or hand rub.

2). BOOST YOUR IMMUNITY: It is only our immune system which helps us in fighting with any disease or infection so it is very necessary to increase your immunity to combat with the infections. For boosting your immunity you should have a balanced diet means the diet which fulfils all the needs of our body. You should take protein and vitamin rich foods. The most important thing to boost you immunity is never to be empty stomach whenever you go to your work area have some light breakfast because our body catches most of the infections when we are empty stomach.

3). WEAR A FACE MASK: As this swine flu is a respiratory problem means it is spreaded by the air we breathe so it is very important to not to be in contact with the affected person or to wear a face mask whenever you come in contact with these persons.

4). AVOID CROWDED PLACES: As the swine flu is on peak so it is better to avoid the crowded places and to wear a face mask in the crowd.

5). KEEP YOURSELF HYDRATED: Keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least two litre fluids daily. This will help you in flushing the toxins from your body and provide moisture and enhance mucous production.

6). HAVE A SOUND SLEEP: To keep your immune system ready to fight against flu you should have a sound sleep of at least 8 hours per day.

7). BE PHYSICALLY ACTIVE: Always try to be physically active by doing some of the moderate exercises such as the brisk walking, meditation and yoga because these exercises help in enhancing our immunity by increasing the blood circulation and oxygenations in our body.

8). CONSULTATION WITH A DOCTOR: To prevent yourself from the infection you should know when to consult a doctor. As soon as you have started developing the flu symptoms such as headache, fever, sore throat, body ache, rhinnoria (nose blowing), cough etc. then immediately consult to your doctor and take the treatment as prescribed by the doctor.

9). COVERING DURING SNEEZING OR COUGHING: Whenever you sneeze or cough always cover your face with a tissue paper and discard it in the dustbin and don’t forget to wash your hands after sneezing or coughing.

Above are the basic 9 Swine Flu Prevention methods which you should take care to save yourself and your family from this life threating Swine Flu Virus.